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About AgriStrategies LLC

Steve Kluemper founded AgriStrategies LLC in 2019. Steve, (on the right in the back row) grew up in this growing, 50-year old farm family and has worked in agriculture his entire career. This photo represents 12 agricultural degrees from Purdue University (and more on the way).
Background and Education
Steve grew up on a grain and livestock farm in Southwest Indiana, earned a bachelors degree from Purdue University in Agricultural Economics and ten years later earned a Food and Agribusiness Masters in Business Administration degree from Purdue. Steve has a passion for bringing his agricultural background and education to others involved with the future of agriculture as a way to pay it forward for everything agriculture has given him and his family.
Steve has lived in Indiana, Colorado, Missouri, Georgia, Kentucky, Wisconsin and Michigan during his 28 year professional career as an agribusiness banker with business development, portfolio management, underwriting, credit approval, policy/procedure administration and personnel management and development responsibilities.
He has coached agribusiness management teams including agricultural producers, processors and suppliers from startups to large corporations from Arizona to Maine and Washington to Florida. He’s worked in various agricultural environments understanding the ins and outs of all aspects of the agricultural supply chain.
He has arranged funding for agribusinesses from capital providers in the form of unsecured cash flow lending, receivable and inventory financing, equipment and facility leasing and loans, real estate lending, and second lien financing as a single lender and as part of multi-bank syndications and participations.
Knowledge and Experience
Steve’s strength is his knowledge and experience interpreting between and communicating with agribusinesses and capital providers to assist them in meeting their objectives with mutually beneficial solutions based on a common vision. He is experienced in and has a passion for coaching and assisting his agribusiness management teams regarding what he and they can do to maximize the value of their business and make themselves most attractive to capital providers. He is also experienced in and passionate about finding capital partners that have the risk appetite to achieve the agribusiness management team’s objectives by utilizing his vast network of industry professionals.
Steve’s focus is on assisting agribusiness management teams that are managing $10 million to $100 million of assets in the dairy, grain, meat, poultry, fruit, vegetable and greenhouse industries in the northeastern quarter of the United States. He and these management teams will develop, communicate and follow a vision that will be used to attract and utilize capital, labor and other resources to achieve success.
The mission of AgriStrategies LLC is to grow and assist a team of independent agribusiness coaches in the United States that prepare themselves and their agribusiness teams to make effective and efficient decisions for achieving mutual success by using their unique senses, experiences and management tools to leverage their strengths in a responsible, ethical, sustainable and personally and financially rewarding way along their journey to success for themselves, their families, their communities, their teams and the world that are nourished by the food the agribusinesses assist in producing.
AgriStrategies LLC is developing the preferred global team of experts from all management disciplines that will be personally, professionally and financially rewarded for passionately coaching the management teams of agricultural producers, processors and suppliers that will feed the world and need to acquire the unique, priceless, absolutely necessary abilities of the AgriStrategies LLC team to assist them in preparing for the journey to achieve success and feed the world by leveraging their strengths, senses, experiences, knowledge, skills, expertise and vision.
AgriStrategies LLC staff will ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to the highest standards by meeting the team’s needs precisely and completely. We will cultivate a team environment that provides a rewarding experience for each team member that engages the team member to give their best to the team.
AgriStrategies LLC believes that their coaching staff and all of the agribusiness teammates must be committed to life-long learning, honest personal and professional evaluation, continuous improvement and preparing for each journey to success and the new one that will begin when they achieve it.
AgriStrategies LLC staff believe that the team’s best interest comes first and everything we do is guided by our values and professional ethics. Our coaches are experienced and appropriately assigned to teams that will benefit from their expertise.

My family wishes yours much success!