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Senses – A Process for Success

Senses for Success
Agribusiness management team members must have a sense of the business’ internal and external environments, as well as their own individual situation and, of course the most important of the senses, common sense, to be successful.
AgriStrategies LLC focuses on using our five senses and our common sense as a process for success that when leveraged with our strengths will lead to success.
Listening – the sense of hearing. What does the team say its strengths are? What does the team say success is? What does the team say the preparation for success should be? Are we hearing team perspectives or individual perspectives? Are we hearing from all of the stakeholders?
Observing – the sense of sight. What are we seeing in our internal and external environments that is useful information? What information are we not seeing or sources we are not accessing that would give us better perspectives?
Asking – the sense of taste. Does what we’re sensing taste too sweet, too bitter, too sour, to salty or even poisonous? Why do you want to achieve this success? What has held you back from achieving it before? Are we asking follow-up questions of why, how, why, what, why, who, why, when, why, where and why to make sure we are getting the right information and perspectives?
Reconciling – the sense of smell. Does the information we’re gathering pass the “sniff” test? Does it make sense and reconcile with the other information we have? Do we need to go back and confirm information we’ve received to make sure it’s unbiased and reliable?
Processing – the brain – the common sense. The process of storing and distilling the information we receive and then communicating our definition of strengths and success and the preparation for success. Are we giving the team enough time to process the information? Do we have team members with the special skills needed to condense the information into a usable format? Do we have a clear communication and project plan that lays out the why, how, why, what, why, who, why, when, why, where and why?
Doing – the sense of touch. Once the information is processed and the preparation is complete, the team can then leverage their strengths by touching the dirt and getting their hands dirty with boots in the dirt work when the opportunity for success presents itself. This is the part of the process where all of the work up to this point is actually used to change the business and achieve success. This is the crucial part where AgriStrategies LLC will be at the game, on the sidelines, in the huddle working with the team to achieve success.

Are your senses telling you to work with AgriStrategies?